Went to watch Nasi Lemak 2.0 at TGV Sunway Pyramid yesterday. I didn't expect much from the movie but it turned out quite good. Erm, i should say the movie is reflecting what's happening in Malaysia and it includes lots of stuff that we always encounter in our real life. Like how we say things colloquially. Haha, Malaysia style mah. Well give this movie a try. :). What i love the most in this movie is how all the cast can speak so many kind of languages. Even Hainan! Like seriously? I can't even speak hainan myself. Shame.
Oh btw, if you don't, you might not have the chance after next week coz according to some source, the movie will be taken down after next week. So hurry up and go watch it! :). Just a piece of advice, buy your ticket before heading the cinema or else you might just return with a disappointment. It might not happen during weekdays la but tickets are really hot selling during the weekends. So yea, get your tix before heading to cinema. And this applies to ALL the cinemas. :)
Oh ya, i did say i'll reveal the answer for the photo on the previous post right? Well, that's a goat. And guess where i saw it? Just beside of the highway!! :O.uh-may-zing!!!
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