Yea, i even changed my blog layout and all those stuff. Well, i just have the sudden urge to blog. You know you know? And i do have a lot of things to blog about. You know sometimes like after i took a photo, i already thought of blogging about it and even thought of a nice caption and nice paragraph. But well, then here comes the procrastination/laze monster where you will not be bothered post about it anymore. Lol!! Ok, let's see what photos we have to talk about. *Browsing through photos* Hmm, not much photos coz my memory card went corrupted few weeks ago. And almost 1000+ photos gone!!! *cries* Ok, i shall divert my attention.
Can you guess what's this? The answer will be revealed in the next post. ;)
Ooohh~Tako Tao. RM8 for 8 biji.
Dad's new costume
My <3 My <3 !!!! Gong Cha!!!
Talking about Gong Cha, it tastes really really good. Incomparable to Chatime. Seriously. I personally like the GC Signature Milk Oolong Tea because the taste of the tea is very kaw and the milk foam that blends with the tea is just nice. <3 it.
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