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I found this somewhere while i was surfing the net.Kinda interesting.

Malaysians are the most stupid consumers in the world. Admit it or not, most of us are. It is so obvious when I see Malaysian purchasing things on internet. I saw many people using blogspot as their free tool to do selling. I found it very ‘interesting’ as I scanned through the terms and conditions. ‘Please ensure that you have confirmed the item is what you want before placing your orders.

No backing out once orders are placed.’ ‘Items sold are non-refundable.’ Both of them are part of what were stated. As a consumer, I feel extremely uneasy especially when it comes to the part where I find no help from the seller when something goes wrong. If you think I am wrong. Well, that is okay, only after you still find yourself intelligent enough to let your money transferred to one’s bank account without any protection. Non of Malaysians thought of how easily their money can evaporate. SSL certificate is one of those things which are created to protect us from any fraud. Malaysians don’t cheat? Let’s think of it for a moment.